Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Link between psychological disorders and rape

“One in five adult women and one in 100 adult men report being raped. But that number jumps to two in five among women and one in five among men who have experienced other forms of sexual violence, such as repeated unwanted sexual contact and sexual coercion.” (http://psychcentral.com/news/2014/05/24/repeated-sexual-assault-victims-face-greater-psychological-consequences/70331.html)

But exactly who is forcing these sexual acts? With 60% of rape already going unreported, 97% of those assaulters never endure consequences or experience legal charges. (Rainn, 2009) Family members are even oblivious to the fact that rape has become a leading cause of psychological problems. Even more so, the authenticity, that maltreatment is engaged within 1 mile of the home. (Rainn, 2009) Survivors and treatments have been analyzed for further validations on specific psychological factors, including self-esteem issues, aggression, mood swings, and depression. Researchers believe that these examinations lead to potential redemption for sufferers. Ensuing to well-balanced lifestyles, victims are able to disclose personal stories, creating insight to guardians and families. Investigators at the University of Missouri presume, that with further analysis and publication, loved ones, relatives, and school facility, can generate enough communication to reach worldwide, the significance of rape and its persisting rise across the nation.  (Wood, 2014)

Want to know ways to communicate to a child and viewing the major warning signs of sexually abused children?  Click the link ---https://www.rainn.org/get-information/types-of-sexual-assault/child-sexual-abuse/if-you-suspect

Elizabeth Valadares,
Behavioral Health Intern
GAACS Accreditation

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